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Colorado Emergency Management: 2010

The Emergency Management Emergency Management Bureau (EMI) of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (EMI) serves as the center of national attention for the development and delivery of emergency management training to enhance the capacity of state, local, local, and tribal government officials; volunteer organizations; FEMA disaster workers; other Federal agencies; and the public and private sectors to minimize the impact of disasters and emergencies on the American public. The EMI curriculum is structured to meet the needs of this diverse audience with an emphasis on separate organizations working together in all emergency dangers to save lives and protect property. Particular emphasis is placed on doctrinal arrangements such as the National Response Framework (NRF), the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the National Preparedness Guidelines. EMI is fully accredited by the International Association for Education and Sustainable Training (IACET) and the American Council on Education (ACE). These instructions are based on the principles of Emergency Management and instructional system design, which creates a community-wide framework for reducing vulnerability to hazards and to address disasters. EMI develops courses and implements a training delivery system to include in-house training; offsite delivery in partnership with Emergency Management training systems, colleges and universities; and technology-based media to conduct individual training courses for Emergency Management and Response staff across the United States.

EMI provides the following services:

  • Emergency Management Certification and leadership training
  • Mission help for organizations and teams
  • Online knowledge sharing resources
  • Continuous learning assets

Video Emergency Management Institute

Main campus facilities

EMI's main campus is located within the National Emergency Training Center (NETC) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. NETC is located 12 miles south of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 75 miles north of Washington, DC, and 50 miles northwest of Baltimore, Maryland. The 107-hectare campus is owned by the US Fire Administration (USFA), the National Fire Academy (NFA), Field Armament Operations Division, and the Satellite Procurement Office. All of these components are part of FEMA, one of four directorates in DHS. The campus has fully air-conditioned classrooms, student inns, Learning Resource Centers, and dining and leisure facilities. There are also some special facilities, such as Simulation and Exercise Lab, Television Preparedness Network (PREPnet), and two computer labs which are an integral part of the instruction of many programs.

The UK Partner of the Emergency Management Institute is an Emergency Planning College at Easingwold.

Maps Emergency Management Institute


EMI first started as the School of Civil Defense Staff (CDSC) in Olney, Maryland, on April 1, 1951, and taught civil defense courses in program administration and finance, monitoring and control of radiation, and heavy rescue. Due to concerns during the Cold War, the parent organization of the CDSC, the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA), under Administrator Val Peterson, saw the President's Order to move the FCDA and CDSC to Battle Creek, Michigan, to remove it from the Cold War threat. Washington, DC,.

CDSC continues to teach courses in program administration and finance, civil defense operations, and radiological monitoring, among others, for state and local personnel, but in 1979, several new programs have been made on disaster operations. At this point in time, the FCDA is under the Department of Defense and renamed the Defense Civil Defense Agency (DCPA).

In 1979, then President Jimmy Carter brings together a number of Federal agencies involved in the disaster, including DCPA, and created a new federated organization, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Also in 1979, President Carter offered his former College St. Joseph, who concluded with the merger of participants and faculty with Mount Saint Mary University in Emmitsburg, Maryland, as the FEMA National Emergency Training Center (NETC). NETC later became the home of the National Fire Academy (NFA) and renamed Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Staff Staff to reflect its current broader training role. The move from Battle Creek, Michigan, to Emmitsburg was done in the fall of 1980 and the first EMI class was conducted in January 1981.

EMI and NFA are managed independently with unique audience participants and curricula for emergency management and the national fire community. EMI and NFA have collaborated in their curriculums and programs since their inception, and share in NETC operating costs. In 2011, EMI celebrated its 60th Anniversary and the Legacy of Emergency Management Training and Education for the United States.


EMI works to improve the competence of US officials at all levels of government to prevent, prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate the potential impact of disasters and emergencies. EMI promotes the principles and practices of integrated emergency management through the application of the NRF, NIMS, and all hazards approach. EMI is a national emergency management training, training, and educational institution.

EMI offers a full spectrum emergency management curriculum with over 500 courses available to the integrated emergency management community, which includes: FEMA staff and disaster employees; Federal partners; State, tribal and local emergency managers; volunteer organizations; and first responders from all Nations. EMI supports international emergency management with more than 50 countries participating in EMI training and educational activities over the years, both at home and through internationally deployed training teams.

EMI also enjoys close ties with some nationally recognized emergency management professionals and related organizations and has interacted with them through training, conferences, and exercises. Some of these important organizations include the International Emergency Management Association (IAEM), the National Emergency Management Association (NEMA), the Flood Control Association (ASFPM), the American Public Works Association (APWA), the American Civil Society Society (ASCE), and the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM). In 1997, EMI was awarded the W. Edwards Deming Extraordinary Training Award by the Graduate School of the US Department of Agriculture at a Superior Government Conference. This annual award is presented to an organization for an impressive labor development and training initiative that has significantly improved the performance of their organization. EMI has provided technical support to dozens of Federal government agencies and other state offices in the development and application of advanced distributed learning technologies.

The vital asset for FEMA disaster operations is the Disaster Field Training (DFTO) held by EMI. In 2010 alone, DFTO trained 31,834 disaster response and restored employees in disaster sites across the United States. EMI held three national-level conferences. The Institute organizes National Preparedness Training and Conference which is attended by Regional Training Officers, State Training Officers and Exercise Training Officials, Officials of the State Administration Authority, and subject matter experts from the broad sector of the preparedness community. The EMI Higher Education Conference was held the first week in June for over 400 college and university officials with current or emerging programs in emergency management and hosted up to 70 separate discussion groups. The Dam Safety Conference held in February was attended by dam security officers, hydrologists, engineers, and reclamation officials.

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Summary of training programs

To take an EMI course, applicants must meet the selection criteria and the prescribed prerequisites for each course. Participants may not take the same course more than once. Instructions focus on four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. EMI develops courses and organizes citizen and non-resident training programs in areas such as natural hazards (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, dam safety), technological hazards (hazardous materials, terrorism, radiological incidents, emergency preparation of chemical supplies), development professionals, leadership, instructional methodologies, design and evaluation exercises, information technology, public information, integrated emergency management, and train-the-trainers.

Approximately 5,500 attendees attend resident courses every year while 100,000 people participate in EMI sponsored non-resident programs and undertaken by state emergency management agencies under a cooperation agreement with FEMA. Another 150,000 people participated in EMI-supported exercises, and about 1,000 people participated in the Chemical Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP).

The independent study program at EMI consists of a free course offered to Americans in Comprehensive Emergency Management techniques. The IS-1 Course is titled "Emergency Manager: Orientation to Position" and provides background information on FEMA and the role of emergency managers in the agency and coordination of volunteer organizations. The EMI Independent Study (IS) program, a Web-based remote learning program open to the public, provides extensive online training with approximately 200 courses and trains over 2.8 million individuals. The EMI IS website receives 2.5 to 3 million daily visitors.

NETC Learning Resources Center

EMI students are potentially given access to the NETC Learning Resource Center (LRC). The LRC is home to the most dangerous collection of first human resources from all hazards. The 190,000 LRC titles cover the entire natural and man-made hazards from fires and hurricanes to tornadoes and floods, from chemical and biological to radiological and nuclear hazards. The Emergency Management Collection, Fire, and Emergency Health Services are specially the largest depth and breadth in the United States. LRC has a website that includes over 22,000 downloadable items.

The transcript registration and request process on campus is currently

Enrollment in campus EMI programs is generally limited to US residents; however, every year a small number of international participants are accommodated in the EMI course. To take courses on campus at EMI, applicants must meet the selection criteria and prerequisites specified for each course. Applicants may not take the same course more than once. Applications for the Main Campus should be submitted to the NETC Office of Admissions in Emmitsburg, Maryland. EMI also provides students with no cost transcripts, or direct to college/university at the student's request. Transcript requests must also be sent to the NETC Office of Admissions.

Options within the regional campus

For those who can not attend classes at Main Campus in Emmitsburg, there are 10 FEMA areas where EMI on campus may be potentially available. The Regional Training Manager contact information is listed below.

  • List of Regional Contact Masters
    • Region I, Boston, MA Serving: CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT
    • Region II, New York, NY Serving: NJ, NY, PR, USVI
    • Region III, Philadelphia, PA Serve: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
    • Region IV, Atlanta, GA Serving: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
    • Region V, Chicago, IL Serve: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI
    • Region VI, Denton, TX Serving: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX
    • Region VII, Kansas City, MO Serving: IA, KS, MO, NE
    • Region VIII, Denver, CO Serve: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY
    • Region IX, Oakland, CA Serve: AZ, CA, HI, NV, GU, AS, CNMI, RMI, FM
    • Region IX, PAO Serving: American Samoa, CNMI, Guam, Hawaii
    • Region X, Bothell, WA Serving: AK (Alaska), ID, OR, WA


EMI offers credentials and training opportunities for US citizens. EMI provides leadership in developing and delivering training to ensure that individuals and groups who have primary emergency management responsibilities at all levels of government have the necessary competencies to perform their work effectively. In addition to its resident training program, EMI disseminates centrally developed training materials through comprehensive national training programs in the United States, and trust. EMI has the responsibility to train FEMA staff to perform their disaster response function. Note that students should not be employed by FEMA or become federal employees for some programs.

Training opportunities and certification:

One of the training programs to keep in mind is the EMI Master Continuity Practitioner (MCP/Level II), which is one of the highest specific disciplinary markers available in the field of emergency/security management in the country (the focus is on Operational Continuity in both the public and private sectors, together with national preparedness/responses in general). [1] As of April 2015, there were only about 300 professionals who earned prestigious degrees over the years. [2] The MCP must first earn an EMI Practitioner Profession (PCP/Level I) degree through EMI to complete at least seventeen total programs (including courses such as incident management, develop COOP Plans, and leadership), pass a written comprehensive exam (programmed) at the FEMA regional office, or at EMI), and contribute to the field by instructing the related curriculum.

Higher Education Emergency Management Program

EMI in 1994 developed the Emergency Management Higher Education Program with the goal of promoting higher education emergency management based on college for emergency future managers and other interested personnel. The program works with universities and universities, emergency management professionals, and stakeholder organizations to help create a sustainable emergency management system of sustainable, replicable and disaster reduction capacity through formal education, experiential learning, practice and experience centered on mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from the various natural, technological and deliberate hazards facing the community, the State and the Nation.

Transfer courses for college credit

EMI maintains a strategic partnership with Frederick Community College. The FCC has contracts with the Institute for Emergency Management to provide college credit for the Independent Study Program (IS). In addition, Clackamas Community College is approved by the Oregon Department of Education to receive credit for EMI courses. In addition, the University of North Texas also has a similar program in conjunction with Charter Oak State College and Excelsior College.

Training for CERT and Citizen Corps

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates communities about disaster preparedness for hazards that can impact their region and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. By using EMI training learned in the classroom and during the exercise, CERT members can assist others in their ward or workplace after an event when professional respondents are not immediately available to assist. In addition, EMI also provides training courses for the Citizen Corps. Training

for Coast Guard Auxiliary

The United States Coast Guard Guard requires servants to take the required Insident Command System courses through the Emergency Management Agency. Failure to complete the training may leave them ineligible to participate in a Coast Guard Auxiliary exercise, exercise, or event. Auxiliarists are expected to take an EMI course that will help them to understand the Incident Command System organization, basic terminology and shared responsibility. They are required to acquire the skills necessary to perform ICS support roles. Officers, certified coxswains, pilots, or those in a leadership role may need to take additional EMI courses related to the National Event Management System and/or the National Response Framework.

LEH Offers Emergency Grants in Response to Louisiana Floods - LEH

Campus National Emergency Management Center

In total, the NETC campus covers over 107 hectares (0.43 km 2 ), and is located in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The campus has many famous buildings, buildings, and monuments.

  • Building A - Is a three-story residential hall built in 1964 and renovated in 1996. It has 96 dorm rooms.
  • Building B - Student Center, built in 1956, is the location of the games room, pub and leisure activities. Large picture window overlooking beautiful Catoctin mountain scenery.
  • Building C - Built in 1956 and renovated in 1995, has 216 dormitory rooms.
  • Building D - Built in 1926 and renovated in 1965 and 1995, is a three-story brick structure that has an old architectural charm. It consists of 39 dorm rooms with offices and department stores in the basement.
  • Building E - Built in 1926 and renovated in 1966 and 1993, is housed by EMI, the National Fire Program, the NETC Budget offices, and computer support personnel.
  • Building F - Built in 1925 and renovated in 1965 and 1995, has 45 dormitory rooms.
  • Building G - Built in 1948 and renovated in 1984 and 2001 to accommodate USFA Office and Program.
  • Building H - Built in 1923 and renovated in 1993, it houses NETC offices, a fully equipped gymnasium, weights and indoor pools.
  • Building I - Built in 1996, serves as the Center for Reception and Distribution of Materials, Maintenance Facilities, Management Operations and Support Services Division, Office of Reception, and O & M Support Office.
  • Building J - Built in 1966, renovated in 1993, it is a NETC classroom facility and houses NETC staff. This includes a 249-seat tiered lobby and auditorium.
  • Building K - Built around 1870, renovated in 1982 and 1993, this house has an EMI classroom. The three-story brick structure also contains an Dining Hall that can accommodate 500 people.
  • Building L - Built in 1959, renovated in 1993, consists of 37 dormitory rooms and conference rooms.
  • Building M - Built in 1965, renovated in 1989, housed two EMI classes and an EMI Computer Lab.
  • Building N - Designed by British-born architect, E.G. Lind, was built in 1870 and renovated in 1987, 1992 and 2001 and is listed on the List of National Historic Buildings
  • Building O - Founded in 1839 as a chapel. Marble, altar altar and stained glass windows were retained when renovated in 1965. Renovated back in 2006.
  • The P-Log Cabin building serves as a recreational facility overlooking the peaceful Tom's Creek.
  • Building Q - Gudang Bata is a service building. The ornamental brick baking windows are characteristic of Western Maryland construction early in the 19th century.
  • Building R - Built in 1948, renovated in 1993, located behind Building G
  • Building S - Renovated in 2001 to unify NETC Lab Training and Simulation by NFA and EMI.
  • Old T - House of Milk House on St. Campus The original Joseph, there is an Administrative Support Office.
  • Building U - Burnt building complex used by NETC for investigation and burning demonstrations
  • Building V - Built in 1992, it is home to the Office of Security

EMI's premier campus facility in NETC

Civil Defense Monument/National Emergency Management

The Monument, is the center of EMI's premier campus in Emmitsburg. On 13 November 1999, President Bill Clinton signed a bill authorizing the National Civil Defense Monument Commission to build a monument on the NETC campus. The purpose of this monument is to honor thousands of professionals and volunteers of the Civil Defense and Emergency Management who have worked hard and faithfully to protect the community from man-made and natural hazards. This monument specifically recognizes many military and civilian and professional volunteers who have gone beyond the normal duty call to save lives and reduce suffering in times of crisis. The core of this monument is a 15-ton block of polished white Vermont granite, formed as a three-sided pyramid, representatives of federal, state, and local governments and their efforts in working together to achieve a common mission. The triangle base is 5 feet on each side, up to 15 feet in height. The highlight of the monument is covered with a large bronze American eagle, carved by world-renowned sculptor, Lorenzo Ghiglieri. The base is surrounded by rocks and concrete plazas with bronze state plaques inscribed with precise embedded in concrete, surrounded by a circle of country flags. The brick walls rise as high as approximately 3 feet on the back or south side of the square. Near the edge of the square are two bronze plaques inscribed with names of supporters and members of the Monument Commission.

National Emergency Training Center - Wikipedia

See also

Visions of Hell: 2010



External links

  • Official site

Source of the article : Wikipedia
