Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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The Three Vertically Challenged Pigs (audio story) Politically ...

Stories before politically correct sleeping: Modern Stories for Life and Our Time is a 1994 book written by American author James Finn Garner, where Garner quipped the trend toward political correctness and censorship of children's literature, with an emphasis on humor and parody. The greatest part of this book consists of fairy tales like Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, and Snow White, rewritten so that they represent what is considered "politically correct" will consider a good and moral story for children.

Revisions include the widespread use of politically correct keywords (and parodies thereof), rigidly rigid dialogue and narrative, incorporating modern concepts and objects (such as health spas, mineral water, and cars), and often featuring a plot that reverses the role of the heroes and villains of the story (for example, forest experts in Little Red Riding Hood seen by Red Riding Hood not as a heroic savior but as an interloper "sexist" and "speciesist", and the wicked stepmother of Snow White finally ends with a positive portrayal while the prince and seven dwarves are described as chauvinistic).

Politically Correct Bedtime Stories is the first book published by Garner (or, in the words of the same biography satirisnya of the book, "carcass of the first processed tree"). More than 2.5 million copies have been sold in the United States and have since been translated into 20 languages. Garner wrote two more books: Once Enlightened Time More: More True Politically Correct Stories and True Political Holiday Stories: For Enlightened Enlightenment , the last book to quip on political correctness during the Christmas holiday season. In 1998, three books were compiled into an omnibus collection called Politically Correct, Ultimate Storybook . All editions of the Politically Correct title are currently out of print.

Video Politically Correct Bedtime Stories


Here is a list of stories in the order that appear in the book.

Little Red Riding Hood

Based on the popular fairy tale of the same name, this parody includes as its main theme mocking the idea of ​​anti- "speciesism" and the more radical branches and concepts of feminism (such as using the "womyn" spelling instead of the whole "woman", the recurrent pattern in the story in this book), and is one of the few stories where the end of the story is completely changed from the original tale.

The carpenter (who rescued Little Red Riding Hood and his grandmother in the most famous version of the story) ended up beheaded by a grandmother, who jumped from the mouth of a wolf of his own will after a "stirring" speech of moralization from Red, stating that womyn and wolf can solve the problem they themselves without the intervention of a man. It comes after of course Red Riding Hood has labeled it as "sexist" and "species" to decide to try to save the Red Riding Hood by killing wolves. Wolves, Red Riding Hood, and his grandmother then formed an "alternative household" together.

Emperor's New Cloth

This is a parody of the eponymous fairy tale. The famous end is not completely changed, but the outcome of it and the morals of the story remain.

The story ends with a pro-nudist twist, with the entire empire quickly deciding to adopt an optional clothing society.

Three Little Pigs

A parody of a fairy tale of the same name, in which wolves are greedy capitalists and pigs are indigenous people who are forced to leave their lands which later become freedom fighters or "porcinistas", parodies the Nicaraguan Sandinista National Liberation Front party, or Sandinism. The big wolf surrendered to a heart attack.

The "porcinistas" massacred the wolves, took back their land, and found a utopian socialist democracy in its place, living happily ever after.


A parody of the classic Rumpelstiltskin story.

Instead of turning straw into gold with magic, the girl (Esmeralda) and Rumpelstiltskin bring straw to poor farmers, who use it to coat their roofs; in better health, farmers become more productive, which improves the local economy and ultimately leads to the overthrow of the prince and Esmeralda is given gold. Esmeralda was then able to thwart Rumpelstiltskin's plan to take his eldest son by guessing his name, but unlike in the original fairy tale, he only guessed it because "Namikag" The Small Society Empowerment Seminar was still in his body. Angered at the idea that his reproductive rights were almost taken away from him, he moved to California and started a birth control clinic and lived happily ever after - as "a hopeful and dedicated person."

The Three Codependent Goats Gruff

This is a parody of Billy Goats Gruff folklore, which mocks "the tendency of modern American liberal morality".


A parody of the fabled Rapunzel, with a completely different ending.

It features Prince twist having connections in the music recording industry; After hearing it sing, he wanted to make it a star - and got a big profit from trading his voice and his performance. He immediately convinces the wizard that he must approve the deal, and remains as his manager. However, Rapunzel, disgusted with the idea of ​​his voice being exploited to get the capitalist, climbed out of the tower and ran to become a folk musician who performed for free in the "coffee house".


A parody of the Cinderella fairy tale, with a typical twist of feminist and anti-lookist. The ending of the story is completely different from the original tale.

"Fairy Godperson" Cinderella (who is male) reluctantly agrees to dress him for the ball. However, he is very attractive in his shoes, clothes, and impractical makeup, that every man in the ballroom goes crazy for him and a fight begins that eventually results in the death of each last of them. The women, jealous of Cinderella's ability to make men go crazy because of her beauty, in her first turn; However, the clock strikes midnight, and he changes back into his farming suit - and is very happy to be in comfortable clothes again, that other women decide that they are now jealous of his comfort. Instead of killing him, however, they remove their corsets and dresses and shoes are impractical and danced on their "shifts and bare feet". Covering the real reason behind male deaths, they took over the kingdom and opened a clothing company that only produces comfortable and practical clothing for women.


A parody of the original Goldilocks and the fairy tales of the Three Bears, Goldilocks is not a little girl but a greedy mischievous biologist who is determined to track and study peaceful anthropomorphic bears to make a spark in the scientific community.

Goldilocks tries to put tranquilizers in bear porridge and traps with radio collars on their beds. However, the bears noted the "chemical" smell of their organic porridge, and suspiciously, found a trap as well as Goldilocks, who fell asleep in the corner of the room while waiting for his target to return. The Mama Bear and Papa Bear then brutally kill and consume Goldilocks, while Baby Bear is shocked to see; it was revealed that the family is vegetarian, even though parents make exceptions at this time.

Snow White

The parody is based on the classic Snow White fairy tale, with many satirical twists (eg, seven dwarves, referred to as "vertically challenged men", running retreats for men who want to enjoy "primal" behavior) and a completely different ending. It has a theme similar to Cinderella's parody from scratch in this book.

As in the original story, the queen pretends to be the old lady who sells apples that are actually poisoned. However, during a conversation with Snow White, he was tied to her. Forgetting that the apple was poisoned, he divided it with Snow White and both fell to the floor.

Meanwhile, the dwarf returns - with the prince. The prince - who in his original fairy tale will awaken him with a kiss - on the contrary is at the retreat to try and cure his disability, and, attracted to a noble coma victim, asks to have sex with him; at which point the dwarf decided that unconscious Snow White made perfect impotence treatment and decided to show it so they could make more money. However, when they try to remove the two female bodies, pieces of poisonous apples become dislodged from their throats; the women woke up, angry and disgusted at what they heard during coma and could not act. The queen then declares that the dwarf is an intruder, and throws them out of his forest. She and Snow White then opened a spa for women in the same place.

Little Chicken

A parody of popular folklore of the same name, this story largely insinuates the reckless lawsuits.

Frog Prince

A parody of Prince Frog's fairy tales. The Frog Prince here is a land developer who cheats several landlords from their land, and consequently is punished by turning into a frog. After returning to humanity, the developer tries to get the princess to help her in her greedy scheme to develop more land, which ends in killing her.

Jack and the Beanstalk

A parody of a fairy tale of the same name.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

A parody of the Pied Piper fairy tale, the story is insinuating anti-capitalism.

Maps Politically Correct Bedtime Stories

Other satirical content in the book

Writers and publishers - not content to allow the story itself to be the only satire in the book - also featured satirical content in the comic book biography biography, the book's own description ("[...] the stories are sexist, discriminatory, unfair , cultural bias, and in general, demeaning witches, animals, goblins, and fairies everywhere. [...] We would like to think that future generations of fairy-tale fans will see this as a worthy attempt to develop meaningful literature that completely free of bias and cleansed from the influence of a defective cultural past. "), of course, as in the introduction which so far includes the following unspeakable parts:

If, through negligence or commission, I inadvertently present every sexist, racist, culturalist, nationalist, regionalist, ageist, lookist, capable, sizeist, speciesist, intellectual, socioeconomic, ethnocentrist, phallocentrist, heteropatriarchalist, or any other type of bias yet mentioned his name. , I am sorry...

A Politically Correct Christmas Story - YouTube

Writing styles, common themes, and repeating elements

This book features many recurring themes and elements throughout the story. One of the recurring elements is the alternative spellings "wommon" and "womyn" (not "female" and "female"). In addition, the inclusion of modern clear concepts (such as Goldilocks being a mischievous biologist, or Red Riding Hood carrying his grandmother's mineral water) is common throughout the book, in accordance with the concept of "updating" classical tales for the modern age. Another common element is that many of the previous heroes or criminals have role reversals, with female criminals usually becoming more enlightened or empowered and befriending female heroes. Female characters (with few exceptions) save themselves after being empowered and enlightened in the same way.

The protagonist of each story is said to fit the ideology mentioned above to an unreasonable and obsessive level. The satirical style used throughout the book, from the introduction to each story and then some, is that an overly cautious and over-author who is very afraid of offending or slandering any reader that he is constantly distracted and preoccupied using the right politics (or pseudo-politically correct) terminology and sentences, to the point of silliness and redundancy. However, this book is not in the polemics - the story is only set in a deadly context to eliminate all the traditional biases, stereotypes and prejudices of famous fiction, under the pretext of not bending young minds.

The Worldwide Garner Army â€

See also

  • Political truth
  • Satir
  • Politically Incorrect Guide

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: Elena Favilli, Francesca ...


Source of the article : Wikipedia
