The United States energy policy is determined by federal, state, and local entities in the United States, which address issues of energy production, distribution and consumption, such as building codes and mileage standards. Energy policies can include laws, international agreements, subsidies and incentives for investments, guidelines for energy conservation, taxation and other public policy techniques.
Several mandates have been proposed over the years, such as gasoline will never exceed $ 1.00/gallon (Nixon), and the United States will never again import as much oil as it did in the year 1977 (Carter), but no comprehensive long-term energy policy has been proposed, despite concerns over this failure. The three Energy Policy Act was passed, in 1992, 2005, and 2007, covering many provisions for conservation, such as the Energy Star program, and energy development, with grants and tax incentives for renewable energy and non-renewable energy.
There is also criticism that federal energy policy since the 1973 oil crisis has been dominated by crisis-mentality thinking, promoting costly quick fixes and single-shot solutions that ignore market and technological realities. Instead of providing stable rules that support basic research while leaving much of the scope for American entrepreneurship and innovation, congresses and presidents have repeatedly endorsed policies that promise a political solution, but its prospects are in doubt, without adequate consideration of dollar costs, environmental costs , or national security costs of their actions.
Country-specific efficiency efficiency incentive programs also play an important role in the overall energy policy of the United States. The United States refused to support the Kyoto Protocol, preferring to let the market encourage CO 2 reductions to reduce global warming, which would require taxation of CO 2 emissions. The administration of Barack Obama has proposed an aggressive energy policy reform, including the need for CO 2 sub substrate reduction, with restrictions and trade programs, which can help foster the development of cleaner and more sustainable renewable energy. Thanks to new technologies such as fracking, the United States in 2014 has restarted its role as the top oil producer in the world.
Video Energy policy of the United States
In the colonial era, the United States' energy policy was the free use of standing wood for heating and industry. In the 19th century, new emphasis was placed on access to coal and its use for transportation, heating and industry. Whales made into lamp oil. Then, coal gas is fractionated for use as city lighting and gas. Natural gas was first used in America for lighting in 1816. It has become important for home, industrial and power generation use, but natural gas production peaked in the US in 1973, and the price has increased significantly since then.
Coal provides most of the US energy needs until the 20th century. Most urban homes have coal storage and coal-burning stoves. Over the years it was replaced with an oil furnace, not because it was cheaper but because it was easier and safer. Coal remains much cheaper than oil. The biggest use of oil comes from car development.
Oil became increasingly important to the United States, and, from the early 1940s, the US government and the oil industry entered into a mutually beneficial cooperation to control global oil resources. In 1950, oil consumption exceeded coal. The abundance of oil in California, Texas, Oklahoma, as well as in Canada and Mexico, coupled with low cost, ease of transportation, high energy density, and use in internal combustion engines, led to increased use.
After World War II, oil heating boilers took over from coal burners along the East Coast; diesel locomotives take over from coal-fired steam engines under diesel- ization; an oil-fired power station is built; oil-burning buses replaced electric trams in GM-controlled conspiracies, where they were found guilty, and citizens bought gasoline-powered cars. Interstate Highways helps make cars the primary means of personal transportation. As oil imports rise, US foreign policy is inevitably drawn into Middle Eastern politics, supporting Saudi Arabia producing oil and patrolling the Persian Gulf sea lane.
The hydroelectric power plant is the basis of Nikola Tesla's introduction of the US power grid, beginning in Niagara Falls, NY in 1883. Electricity generated by large dams such as Jensen Dam, TVA Project, Grand Coulee Dam and Dam Hoover still produce some of the lowest prices ( $ 0.08/kWh), clean the electricity in America. Rural electrics connect power cables to many other areas.
Utilities set their tariffs to earn a revenue stream that gives them a constant rate of return of 10% - 13% based on operating costs. Increased or decreased operating costs of electricity production are passed directly to consumers.
The federal government provides a much larger subsidy for fossil fuels than renewable energy in the period 2002-2008. Subsidies for fossil fuels amounted to about $ 72 billion over the study period, representing direct costs to taxpayers. Subsidies for renewable fuels, amounting to $ 29 billion over the same period.
In some cases, the US has used its energy policy as a means to pursue other international goals. Richard Heinberg, a professor from Santa Rosa, California, argues that unclassified CIA documents suggest that the US uses oil prices as a leverage against the Soviet economy. In particular, he argues that the United States deliberately worked with Saudi Arabia during the Reagan administration to keep oil prices low, thereby reducing the purchasing power of the Soviet oil export industry. When combined with other US efforts to drain Soviet resources, this eventually became a major cause in the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
Maps Energy policy of the United States
Energy import
The United States receives about 84% of its energy from fossil fuels. This energy is used for transportation, industry, and domestic use. The remaining part comes mainly from Hydro and Nuclear stations. America accounts for less than 5% of the world's population, but consumes 26% of the world's energy to produce 26% of the world's industrial output. They account for about 25% of world oil consumption, while producing only 6% of the world's annual oil supply.
Almost all Canadian energy exports enter the United States, making it the largest foreign source of US energy imports. Canada is a major source of US oil, gas imports. and electricity.
In 2012, the US produces 60% of the used petroleum, the rest is imported. The biggest sources of imported oil are Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Russia. Imports of oil to the US peaked in 2005, when imports supplied 60% of US consumption; they have declined since then, as both increase domestic oil production, and reduce consumption.
The 1973 oil embargo highlighting the United States' vulnerability to oil supply disruptions was dependent on imports from countries that were politically unstable or against US interests. Acceptable solutions include measures to reduce oil demand (such as conservation or alternative fuels), increase oil supply (by increasing domestic production, or maintaining petroleum reserves), or increasing the reliability of foreign imports (through foreign policy). The Federal Department of Energy began to direct approaches.
Preservation. The National Maximum Speed ​​Limit of 55 mph (88 km/h) is charged to help reduce consumption, and the Corporate Fuel Economy (aka CAFE) standard applies to lower car categories. The Daylight Saving Summer Time was in effect, the United States Strategic Oil Reserve was created and the 1978 National Energy Act was introduced. Alternative forms of energy and diversified oil supply are produced.
The redesign of the city, telekomuting, mass transportation, higher density of housing and walking can also reduce the fuel consumption of motor vehicles. Carpooling, flexcars, Smart cars, and short trips all can reduce fuel usage.
Increased supply. US Strategic Oil Reserves are created to increase supply in the event of a national emergency.
Alternative fuels. Two-thirds of US oil consumption is in the transport sector. The US - an important exporting country for food stocks - converted about 18% of grain production into ethanol in 2008. In the US, 25% of all corn crops turned to ethanol in 2007. The percentage of maize to be used for biofuels went up. In 2006, the US Senator introduced the Security Act BioFuels .
Proposals have been made for the hydrogen economy, where cars and factories will be powered by hydrogen fuel cells. However, energy must be used to produce hydrogen, and hydrogen cars have been called one of the most efficient and most expensive ways to reduce greenhouse gases. Other plans include making people neutral and using renewable energy, including solar, wind, and methane sources.
It has been argued that cars can be powered by the following forms of energy: 60% by electricity grid, 20% by biofuels, and 20% by direct diesel. The redesign of the city, telekomuting, mass transportation, higher density of housing and walking can also reduce the fuel consumption of motor vehicles.
Increasing the reliability of foreign sources One of the goals of American foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, is generally seen as securing the flow of oil exports from the region.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada is a way to improve the security of US oil supplies.
Natural gas
The United States is a net importer of natural gas, mostly through pipes from Canada, with fewer LNG than other sources. Net gas imports to the US peaked in 2007, when the country imported 16.4 percent of natural gas consumed, and is the world's largest importer of natural gas. In 2013, despite increased use of natural gas in the US, net imports fell to 5.0 percent of consumption.
The United States is mining more coal than it uses, and is a coal exporter.
The United States is a net electricity importer from Canada, and a net exporter to Mexico. Overall, by 2012 the US has a net electricity import of 47,000 gigawatt-hours, which is less than 1.2% of the electricity generated in the US.
Nuclear power in the United States is heavily dependent on imported uranium. In 2011, US uranium mining provided 8 percent of the uranium concentrate loaded into nuclear reactors. The rest is imported. The main sources of imported uranium are Russia, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan, and Namibia.
Energy consumption
Buildings and construction consume more energy than transportation or industrial applications, and since buildings are responsible for the largest share of greenhouse emissions, they have the greatest impact on man-made climate change. AIA has proposed building a carbon neutral building by 2030, meaning that construction and building operations will not require fossil fuel energy or emit greenhouse gases, and after the US reduces CO 2 emissions to 40 to 60% below 1990 levels by 2050.
Energy consumption can vary greatly from state to state in the US. In 2012 for example, there is a huge gap in electricity consumption by the state between the top three countries - Louisiana (1254 kWh/mo.), Tennessee (1217 kWh/mo.) And Mississippi (1193 kWh/mo.) - and three lower states - Maine (531 kWh/mo.), Hawaii (544 kWh/mo.) And Vermont (565 kWh/mo.).
When President Carter created the US Department of Energy in 1977, one of their first successful projects was the Weather Assistance Program. Over the past 30 years, the program has provided services to more than 5.5 million low-income families. On average, low-cost weather reduces heating bills by 31% and overall energy bills by $ 358 per year at current prices. Increased energy efficiency and weathering expenditure has a high return on investment.
"Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007" has a significant impact on US Energy Policy. This includes funding to help improve building codes, and would make it illegal to sell incandescent light bulbs, as they are less efficient than fluorescent and LED lighting.
Technologies such as passive solar building design and zero energy buildings (ZEB) have demonstrated a significant reduction in new construction energy costs. The "Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007" includes funding to increase the popularity of ZEBs, photovoltaics, and even new solar AC programs. Many energy saving measures can be added to existing buildings as retrofits, but others are just cost-effective in new construction, which is why building code improvements are being pushed. The solution requires both enhanced incentives for energy conservation, and new energy sources.
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 increases the average gas mileage to 35 mpg by 2020. The current administration and 2007 law encourage short-term use of plug-in electric cars, and hydrogen cars by 2020. Toyota has suggested all three their 2009-generation Prius may be much cheaper than current models. Larger advanced technology batteries have been suggested to make plug-ins rechargeable. Photovoltaics is an option under discussion to extend daytime electric driving range. Increasing the solar cell efficiency factor will continue to make this option more cost-effective.
About 82% of all energy types used in the United States come from fossil fuels. In 2014, the country's largest source of energy comes from petroleum (35%), followed by natural gas (28%), coal (18%), renewable sources (10%) and nuclear power (8%). Amory Lovins says that sharp and steep cost reductions in solar power have become "amazing market successes". He said that diesel, wind and cheap natural gas have significantly reduced the prospects for coal and nuclear power plants around the world. John Rowe, chairman of Exelon (the largest nuclear power producer in the US), said the nuclear revival was dead.
In 2006, the US consumed 20.8 million barrels (3,310,000 m 3 ) of oil per day, of which 9 million barrels (1,400,000 m 3 ) were motor gasoline. Transportation is the largest consumer, accounting for 68.9%, and 55% of worldwide oil use as documented in the Hirsch report. With about 5% of the world's population, the United States is responsible for about 25% of annual global oil consumption and according to estimates in 2008 has a daily consumption rate per-person more than doubled from the EU. The car is the biggest oil consumer, consumes 40%, and is also the source of 20% of national greenhouse gas emissions.
The United States has about 22 billion barrels (3.5 ÃÆ' - 10 9 spare 3 ) while consuming about 7.6 billion barrels (1, 21 ÃÆ' - 10 9 m 3 ) per year. This has created pressure for additional drilling. European gasoline prices are artificially raised to $ 4 per gallon through taxation long before they reach $ 4/gallon in the US, leading to better fuel economy.
Problems related to oil supply include volatile oil prices, increased demand for world and domestic oil products, dependence on foreign oil unstable imports, declining domestic production (peak oil), and declining infrastructure, such as Alaskan pipes and oil refineries.
America's dependence on imports grew from 10% in 1970 to 65% by the end of 2004. The Energy Information Administration projected that US oil imports would remain flat and consumption would grow, so net imports would drop to 54% of US oil consumption by 2030.
America is self-sufficient in coal. Indeed, it has a supply of several hundred years of it. US trends in coal use have increased from 1950 to 2007, when coal production and consumption more than doubled. The US population has almost doubled in this period as well, while energy use per capita has declined since 1978.
Most of the electricity (52% in 2000) in this country is generated from coal-fired power stations: in 2006, more than 90% of the coal consumed was used to generate electricity. In 1950, about 19% percent of the coal consumed was for power generation.
In terms of energy production from domestic sources, from 1885 to 1951, coal was the main energy source in the United States. Crude oil and natural gas then competed for that role until 1982. Coal regained the position of top domestic resources that year and again in 1984, and has maintained it ever since. The US burns 1 billion tons of coal each year.
Concern for climate change has led to calls for a moratorium on all coal consumption, unless carbon capture is used. Coal is the largest potential source of CO 2 emissions.
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) is a coal-fired power plant technology that currently operates the cleanest. FutureGen is an experimental US research project to investigate the possibility of consuming underground IGCC CO 2 emissions.
Natural gas
The production and consumption of natural gas increased fourfold between 1950 and 1970 to 20 12 Ã, cuÃ, ft (570Ã, km 3 ), but steadily declined steadily in 1986. Since then, the United States imported its gas-rising parts. In 2008, natural gas consumption reached 23.2 ÃÆ'â € 10 12 12 cuÃ, ft (660Ã, km 3 ), while domestic production is at 20.6 ÃÆ'â € 10
There are many types of energy efficiency innovations, including efficient water heaters; refrigerator and freezer are better; advanced building control technology and advancements in heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC); smart windows that adapt to maintain a comfortable interior environment; new building codes to reduce unnecessary energy use; and compact fluorescent lamps. In-building improvements, where more than sixty percent of all energy is spent, can save tens of billions of dollars per year.
Some states, including California, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin, have consistently implemented energy efficiency innovations. Their state planning officials, citizens, and industry leaders have found this to be very cost-effective, often providing greater services at lower private and social costs than simply adding more fossil-fuel based supplies. This is the case for several reasons. Energy-efficient technologies often represent improved service through superior performance (eg higher-quality lighting, heating and cooling with greater control, or enhanced service reliability through greater utility capabilities to respond to peak demand times). So this innovation can provide better and cheaper service.
Various energy-saving technologies have the added benefit of improving quality of life, such as sophisticated windows that not only save heating and cooling costs, but also make the workplace or home more comfortable. Another example is a more efficient vehicle, which not only saves fuel purchases directly, but also removes less pollutants, improves health and saves on medical costs for individuals and communities.
In 1994, Amory Lovins developed the Hypercar design concept. This vehicle will have an ultra-light construction with aerodynamic body using advanced composite materials, low drag design, and hybrid drive. Hypercar designers claim to achieve a three to five fold increase in fuel economy, equal or better performance, safety, convenience, and affordability, compared to current cars. Lovins says Hypercar commercialization begins in 2014, with production of BMW i3 family of all carbon electricity and 313 miles per gallon of Volkswagen XL1.
Energy budget, initiative and incentives
The incentives generated by US energy policies are the factors that provide the motive for certain actions regarding energy use. In the US, most energy policy incentives take the form of financial incentives. Examples include tax breaks, tax deductions, tax exemptions, rebates, loans, and special funding. Throughout US history, there have been many incentives created through US energy policy.
The recent Energy Policy Act of 2005, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, each promoting various energy efficiency improvements and encouraging the development of a particular energy source. US. Energy policy incentives can serve as a strategic way to develop certain industries that plan to reduce America's dependence on foreign oil products and create jobs and industries that boost the national economy. The ability to do this depends on the industry and products selected by the government for subsidization.
The 2012 budget proposed by President Obama to Congress calls for a 70 percent increase from the 2011 allocation for federal research and development activities related to renewable energy. The Science Office at the Department of Energy will receive $ 2.0 billion for basic energy sciences to discover new ways to generate, store, and use energy. Included in that amount is the allocation of $ 457 million for solar energy; $ 341 million for biofuels and biomass R & amp; D, including new reverse auctions to promote advanced biofuels; and more than doubled its investment in geothermal energy to $ 102 million. The budget includes funding to accelerate the spread of new energy research models pioneered in recent years, including $ 550 million for Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, a program that supports breakthrough ideas.
Public investment
Public investment can enable the development of infrastructure projects through the use of public funds, grants, loans or other financing options. These funds provide the means to allocate the necessary capital for the development of renewable energy technologies.
Tax incentives
Federal tax incentives can be designed to accelerate market adoption, create jobs, encourage investment in public goods (reduce pollution) or encourage investment in research and development of renewable technologies. Production Tax Credit (PTC) reduces federal income tax from eligible taxpayer owners of renewable energy projects based on the electrical output (measured in kWh) of renewable energy facilities connected to the power grid. The Investment Tax Credit (ITC) reduces federal income taxes to qualified taxpayer owners based on the capital investment dollar in renewable energy projects. Advanced Energy Production Tax Credits (MTCs) provide tax credits for new, expanded, or refurbished domestic manufacturing facilities that support clean energy development.
Loan guarantee
The Department of Energy's Loan Guarantee Program, established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and refined by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, seeks to pave the way for investor support for clean energy projects by providing financing guarantees of up to 80% of project cost. The program is scheduled to end on September 30, 2011, unless Congress passes further legislation.
Updated portfolio standards
The Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) is a mandate that requires power providers to supply to their customers a minimum amount of power from renewable sources, typically as a percentage of total energy use. As of June 2010, the standard has been enforced in 31 US states and the District of Columbia. For example, Governor Jerry Brown signed a law requiring California companies to get 33 percent of their electricity from renewable energy by the end of 2020. The Congress has been considering a national RPS since 1997: The Senate passed three laws, and the House once. Until April 2011, the two houses have not acted in unison to pass the law.
Biofuel subsidy
In the United States, biofuel subsidies have been justified on the following grounds: energy independence, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improvements in rural development related to biofuel crops and agricultural income support. Several economists from Iowa State University found "there is no evidence to deny that the main goal of biofuel policy is to support agricultural income."
Consumer subsidy
Consumers who purchase hybrid vehicles qualify for tax credits that depend on the type of vehicle and the difference in fuel economy compared to vehicles of equal weight. These credits range from several hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Homeowners can receive a tax credit of up to $ 500 for energy-efficient products such as insulation, windows, doors, as well as heating and cooling equipment. Homeowners who install solar electric systems can receive a 30% tax credit and homeowners who install a small wind system can receive a tax credit of up to $ 4000. Geothermal heat pumps also qualify for a tax credit of up to $ 2,000.
Other subsidies
Recent energy policy incentives have provided, for example, billions of dollars in tax deductions for nuclear power, fossil fuel production, clean coal technology, renewable electricity production, and conservation and increased efficiency.
Federal rentals
No longer issuing new leases for fossil fuel extraction on federal lands and waters, and avoiding renewal of existing leases for unproductive resources would reduce global CO 2 emissions by 100 million tonnes per year in 2030, and with a larger amount thereafter.
Power distribution
Long-distance electric transmission generates energy losses, through electrical resistance, generated heat, electromagnetic induction and inadequate electrical insulation. In 1995, this loss was estimated at 7.2%. Generation and distribution of energy can be more efficient, closer to the point of use, if done in high efficiency generators, such as CHP. In power generation and delivery, system losses along the delivery chain are pronounced. Of the five energy units that go into most large power plants, only about one unit of energy is delivered to the consumer in usable form.
A similar situation occurs in gas transport, where compressor stations along pipelines use energy to keep gas moving, or where gas liquefaction/cooling/regasification in the supply chain of liquefied natural gas uses large amounts of energy, although the scale of losses is not pronounced as in electricity.
Distributed distribution and distributed storage is a means of reducing total loss and transmission.
Production of electricity by source
Power consumption by sector
- production: 9.688-million-barrels per day (1,540,300 m 3 /d) (estimated 2010) Consumption of
- : 19.15 million barrels per day (3.045,000 m 3 /d) (estimated 2010)
The heat engine is only 20% efficient in turning oil into work. Electric transmission (production to consumers) loses more than 23% of energy due to generation, transmission, and distribution.
Carbon dioxide emissions
The EPA has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, under the Clean Air Act, and is one of seven agency priorities.
Public opinion
US results from the 1 st Annual World Environmental Review, published on 5 June 2007 revealed that:
- 74% worry about climate change.
- 80% think that their Government should do more to cope with global warming. 84% think that the US is too dependent on fossil fuels.
- 72% think that the US is too dependent on foreign oil.
- 79% think that the US Government should do more to increase the number of hybrid cars sold.
- 67% think that the US Government should allow more offshore drilling.
Society is also quite clear on its priorities when it comes to promoting energy conservation versus increasing the supply of oil, coal, and natural gas. When asked which should be a higher priority, the public chose energy conservation with a margin of 68 percent to 21 percent. Communities also predominantly believe that the need to reduce energy consumption and protect the environment means increased energy efficiency must be mandated for certain products. Ninety-two percent of Americans now support such requirements.
However, when energy policy and climate change are compared with other issues, they are rated very low in terms of interests. The Pew Research Center poll of public priorities for 2011 found that global warming was ranked twenty-two possible policy priorities. The same survey in 2012 found similar results.
Gallup found that from 2009 to the latest poll in March 2013, public opinion was almost evenly divided whether it would prioritize the environment or develop energy sources such as oil, gas and coal. This is a shift from poll results from 2001 to 2008, when the obvious diversity of Americans wants environmental concerns to take priority over developing fossil fuel resources. However, public opinion still strongly supports the emphasis on wind and solar energy (59 percent) on fossil fuels (31 percent).
General legislation, legislation and plan policies
The current head of the US Department of Energy under the Trump Administration is Rick Perry, who succeeded Dr. Ernest Moniz in March 2017.
In September 2012, "The Department of Energy's mission is to ensure America's security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions."
- Catalyze the timely, material, and efficient transformation of the national energy system and secure US leadership in clean energy technologies.
- Maintain a vibrant US effort in science and engineering as a cornerstone of our economic prosperity with clear leadership in the strategic field.
- Increase nuclear security through defense, nonproliferation, and environmental efforts.
- Form an operational and adaptable framework that combines the best wisdom of all Departmental stakeholders to maximize mission success.
In December 2009, the United States Patent and Trademark Office announced a Patent Green Patent Program. The program is initiated to speed up examination of patent applications related to certain green technologies, including the energy sector. The pilot program was originally designed to accommodate 3,000 applications related to certain green technology categories, and the program was originally set to expire on 8 December 2010. In May 2010, the USPTO announced that it would expand its pilot program.
GHG emissions
Although surpassed by China since 2007, the United States has historically been the world's largest producer of greenhouse gases. Some countries are polluters that are far more productive than others. The state of Texas produces about 1.5 trillion pounds of carbon dioxide every year, more than any country in the world except five outside the United States: China, Russia, Japan, India, and Germany.
Despite signing the Kyoto Protocol, the United States has neither ratified it nor withdrew from it. In the absence of ratification remains non-binding in the US.
The Obama administration has promised to take special action towards climate change mitigation. In addition, at the state and local level, there are currently a number of initiatives. On March 11, 2007, the mayor of 418 cities in 50 US states passed the Kyoto protocol, after Mayor Greg Nickels of Seattle initiated a national effort to get cities to approve the protocol. On January 18, 2007, eight US Northeast states were involved in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), state-level emission reduction and trading programs.
On August 31, 2006, the California Legislature reached an agreement with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions, which rank 12th largest carbon emitter in the world, by 25 percent by 2020. This resulted in the Global Heating Solutions Act effectively putting California in line with Kyoto's constraints, but on the later date of the Kyoto 2008-2012 commitment period.
In the non-binding 'Declaration of Washington' agreed on February 16, 2007, the United States, together with the President or Prime Minister of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, Britain, Brazil, China, India, Mexico and South Africa the principle agreed on the outline of the successors of the Kyoto Protocol. They envisage a global cap-and-trade system that will apply to industrialized and developing countries, and hope that this will be in 2009.
Professor of Chemistry Nathan Lewis at Caltech estimates that to keep atmospheric carbon levels below 750 ppm, the rate at which serious climate change will occur, by 2050, the United States will need to generate twice as much energy from renewable sources as generated by all resources are combined today. However, current research shows that even the concentration of carbon dioxide over 450 ppm will result in unchangeable global climate change.
The book, Carbon Free and Nuclear Free, A Roadmap for US Energy Policy, by Arjun Makhijani, argues that to meet the goal of limiting global warming to 2 ° C, the world will need to reduce CO emissions < sub> 2 by 85% and the US will need to reduce emissions by 95%, which can be extended up to a few percent plus or minus carbon free with a few additional changes. The book calls for the cessation of the use of oil, natural gas and coal that do not use carbon storage by 2050. The energy delivered effectively is projected to increase from about 75 Quadrillion Btu in 2005 to about 125 Quadrillion by 2050, but due to increased efficiency, actual energy input is projected to increase from about 99 Quadrillion Btu in 2005 to about 103 Quadrillion in 2010 and then decrease to about 77 Quadrillion by 2050. The use of petroleum is projected to increase to 2010 and then decrease linearly to zero by 2050. Roadmap calls for nuclear power to decrease to zero at the same time, with the reduction also starting in 2010.
In his book Hell and High Water , author Joseph Romm calls for rapid deployment of existing technologies to reduce carbon emissions. In a follow-up article at in June 2008, he argued that "If we have confidence in our ability to stabilize carbon dioxide levels below 450 ppm, emissions must be lower than [5 billion metric tons carbon] per year during this century.This means accelerating the dissemination of 11 wedges to come into effect in 2015 and to operate entirely in much less time than Socolow and Pacala modeled. "
In 2012, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory assesses the technical potential for renewable electricity for each of the 50 countries, and concludes that each country has the technical potential for renewable electricity, mostly from solar and wind power, greater than current electricity consumption. The report warns: "Note that as a technical potential, rather than an economic or market potential, this estimate does not consider the availability of transmission infrastructure, cost, reliability or delivery times, current or future electricity loads, or relevant policies."
See also
Further reading
- Oil and Gas Industry Tax Problems in Research Proposal Proposal Budget Proposal FY2014
External links
- US. Department of energy
- Energy Information Administration
- Official U.S. Energy Statistics
- Household Electricity Price
- USDA energy
- United States Energy Association (USEA)
- US. energy statistics
- ISEA - U.S. International Energy Agreement Database
- Electric retail sales and related revenues by end use sector until June 2007 (Energy Information Administration)
- International Energy Agency 2007 Review of US Energy Policy
Source of the article : Wikipedia